What is a Power of Attorney?
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that is created to appoint a substitute decision maker. The document is intended to operate in circumstances where a person loses mental capacity to make financial decisions for themselves.
Accessing someone's finances or being able to sell someone's house if they become incapacitated or ill is a complex and difficult process - which can make things very difficult for a spouse, partner or your children.
Executing a power of attorney now while you are well and healthy can save your family legal difficulties should something unforeseen occur.
Enduring powers of attorney are very powerful documents because they authorise another person to make decisions about you when you are still alive and able to experience the impact of those decisions.
Our solicitor can prepare an enduring power of attorney for you to give you peace of mind. Most people will have an enduring power of attorney created at the same time they execute a will.